Nobody loves you
Is that the real truth?
I know it is appearance
That really matters
But she
Is not like the others
I know, I know, I know
Why? Only because...
Each movement and action of hers
Shows that she is deep
That she cannot stand
Those who clown and lay life waste
Deeper than ever
Mature for her age
Taking the hard road
And living on the edge
Her, I admire
And no one else
Her, I desire
And wish be mine
I know we are the same
I hope she does too
Hope she never loses
Faith in this truth I've seen
But just as me
She does love
The clowns of this world
Relief to our burdened hearts!
Will she marry a clown
And befriend me?
Or befriend a clown
And marry me...
Together, our hearts, nevertheless
Happy to have found the other
And fearing with mortal dread
The day to separate, we're forced
Hearts that know they are
The same
Hearts connected
By a pure and fragile love
Love that will exist
Wherever she may be
Wherever I'm forced to be
Hearts longing for like company
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